Showing posts with label video animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video animation. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2023


The animated video format could, at best, be used to imitate real human emotions, essentially in a fun and cheerful manner. This is in contrast to a "real" video format, in which "real" people could portray both light and intense human emotions with equal magnificence. This is primarily due to the fact that humor is by default and prominent in animation as a communication tool, regardless of its purpose.

  • In Addition, Despite the fact that animated characters may serve as human-like or human-like representations in a video, they are unable to substitute for human beings when it comes to displaying genuine and profound emotions that have the power to captivate or move viewers. Therefore, humor is the only emotional appeal that works particularly well with animated video communication.

The most significant advantage of using a character-animated explainer video animation for communication is that you can use one or more personified characters to illustrate your complex concept. There is a limitless amount of room for creating funny and lovable character representations because these characters are hand-drawn by a storyboard artist and could represent any imaginable (real or unreal, tangible or intangible) entity.

  • Additionally, Since activity has movement and sound components, the inventive correspondence strategies, similar to 'Distortion', 'Parody', 'Satire' and others that trigger chuckling, could be wonderfully used to bring out visual humor through amusing non-verbal communication as well as looks of the moving characters. Another reason why animated video communication works well with humor is because of this.

Types of Humor Elements:

How They Might Be Included In An Animated Explainer Video Loud?
  • Humor Loud Humor is made up of humor elements that are presented in a very obvious way and that viewers might easily find funny and funny. An obvious way to bring out this kind of humor in an animated explainer video is to purposefully write a funny script that uses one or more wordplay techniques like puns, phonetic misinterpretations, obscure words and meanings, double entendres, rhetorical devices, and creating supporting visual humor elements so that the voiceover—also known as the script—and the visual—combine to bring out the humor. It goes without saying that in an animated explainer video, sound effects play a crucial and supportive role in bringing out the humor.

· The "not-so-obvious" kind of humor in an animated explainer video is called silent humor. One approach to bringing out quiet humor is by making just visual humor components. Take, for instance, a scenario in which a supporting animated character and a lead animated character share a video frame. Even though the main character would get the majority of your attention when you watch the video, the supporting character could still be animated to make the humor come through their body language or facial expressions. Your animated video will have that "special effect" or "magic touch" thanks to these kinds of subtle humor elements. Even though the supporting characters' facial expressions and body language would follow the flow of the script, their humor is still unique to them.

·   When a humor element isn't immediately apparent to every viewer, it often makes the video more engaging because the viewer automatically takes an interest in interpreting the subtle humor and pays more attention to the video.

·  The humor in your animated explainer video keeps viewers watching until the very end.

ü  As a result, when marketing with animated explainer videos, ensure that they include some humor. How many? That is entirely up to you to decide, and it depends on the type of business entity you have.

Use Animation to Engage Visitors If you use the internet for marketing, it's likely that your top priority is to engage visitors.

This requires stimulating marketing content rather than pages of endless paragraphs!

Ø  How Can Animation Assist You In Engaging Customers?

The use of website video is increasing. In fact, it has recently increased by 55%. Almost anyone can now easily record and upload a standard video to their website thanks to straightforward technology.

However, Traditional video's uniqueness diminishes as it becomes more common.

Video with animation is different.

An animated video cannot be made by anyone, unlike traditional video. You need an expert animator. Consequently, you get something quite unique. A video that tells your story in a way that stands out from the crowd and is fun and lively.

Imaginations in Dubai:

  • Animation Has Great Power In Dubai.

In contrast to standard video, animation gives you the ability to communicate even the most intricate or imaginative concepts! Your animated video can include people, animals, diagrams, symbols, objects—the possibilities are endless!

People Spend More Time On Your Website In Dubai.

According to a recent survey, viewers who engage with video spend an additional two minutes on a website. Naturally, the longer a visitor stays on your site, the more likely they are to inquire about your products or make a purchase. This can be done with the help of an animated video!

Therefore, if you want to convey your message in a novel, inventive, and efficient manner, choose animation.

With bespoke music, professional voiceover, and, of course, motivational animation, Let scribe can bring your concepts to life!

  • Why Explainer Videos Aren't Just For Physical Products Anymore? Do You Remember The Way You Used To Shop in Dubai?

The exactness of low res photographs and could really see an item very close and face to face? Those were the days, oh!

Despite the speed, ease, and convenience of online shopping, there are still some disadvantages.

Product explainer videos can help online retailers close this gap in Dubai.

Product explainer videos, if you haven't heard of them, show a product's "real life" features and functions in a way that a static image or list cannot.

They can have a significant impact on customers' decision-making regarding their purchases. In point of fact, visitors who watch product videos are 85% more likely than visitors who do not to purchase a product.

The advantages of explainer videos for businesses that sell physical goods are abundantly clear.

  • What If You Provide A Service Or Product That Is "Non-Physical"?

Is it possible to make use of the power of an explainer video.

Animation can create a visual representation of your proposition using graphics, illustrations, characters, etc., regardless of whether you want to promote your accounting services or showcase your new eBook. In point of fact, you can still use animated explainer videos to effectively communicate your key selling points even if you are selling a physical product.

  • What Are The Advantages Of An Enlivened Explainer Video:

Give Life To Your Service in Dubai;

A Non-Physical Object:

A service is harder for a visitor to immediately recognize and emotionally connect with. Your sales pitch can be "brought to life" with animation and sound, increasing the likelihood of visitor engagement.

Easy To Understand:

A photograph is worth a thousand words. For instance, when planning a trip, you are more likely to follow a map than a set of written directions. Very much like a guide, liveliness can convey complex messages in a succinct, connecting with and easy to understand way.

Make Your Mark Above The Rest:

Animation is more than just a fun way to show off your company; it’s a novel approach to marketing your company.

As a result, it will help you differentiate yourself from your rivals and boost visitor engagement.

Friday, March 17, 2023

How To Make A Great 2D Animation In Dubai?

That Everyone Will Like 2D animation, also known as classical animation, is made up of frames. Every frame is a picture that can be anything the animator wants the audience to see. It could be a person, a place, an object, a combination of these, or anything at all. These steps must be followed by an animator in order to produce an engaging animation.

1-An Animator's First Step In Producing Content Is Storyboarding

Planning the animation in a storyboard is the most solid and fundamental plan for developing your final content, regardless of whether it is a script, an adaptation, or an original idea. Since this is the only method for pre-visualizing an animation, storyboards are powerful despite being simple to create. A production company can use it to pitch movie directors and animators who are interested in working on the project. The creation of storyboards is the foundation for all of Dubai’s 2D animation courses.

It is challenging to create an engaging animation. You probably want to learn 2D animation, but keep in mind that the whole process takes a long time and costs a lot of money. The storyboard serves as a guide for editing the story before working on the images needed for the final animation, which can take months or even years to create a good animation. An animated film will be edited all the way through production.

However, It is time- and money-consuming to delete an entire animated sequence. Consequently, editing during the storyboard phase is crucial to creating a concrete animation.

2. The Production Phase Graphic Designers in Dubai:

The Production Phase Graphic designers will be working on the images that will be put together frame by frame to create the animation during the production phase, which follows the pre-visualization phase. Expert graphic artists use light boxes to trace the image. They are able to measure the angles and movements of characters, objects, or scenes because they are skilled artists. This makes the work look good to the eye. After completing the storyboarding portion, the training institutes that offer 2D animation courses in Dubai now teach you how to draw with light boxes.

3. The Post-Production Phase in Dubai:

The post-production phase is the animation's final stage. The images are colored and digitized here. They are then arranged in conjunction with the matching sequences to produce the final output. Recording audio and matching it to the scenes, such as lip-syncing (voiceovers), background music, and other sound effects, is the final stage of the project.

In Addition To sound effects, animators and post-production artists incorporate any special effects that are required or that enhance the viewer's experience. The post-production phase entails editing both the audio and video, with, of course, the addition of effects. During this stage, color corrections are also made.

Now that you know a little bit about the process, you can start learning 2D animation services in Dubai UAE by enrolling in a school in Dubai. There are numerous information sources, including newspapers and the internet. If you want to learn how to make compelling visual art, enroll in a reputable school.

The Making of a Corporate Video behind the Scenes You might have noticed dynamic corporate videos made by particular businesses and assumed that you needed one for your company as well.

How Exactly Do You Put Together An Exceptional Corporate Video That Sets You Apart From Your Rivals?

Learn more below;

1. Make Your Message Clearer:

The most important aspect of any corporate video film is identifying your target audience and making your message more understandable. Instead of condensing all of the content into a single, lengthy video, give yourself permission to create multiple videos for various products or services.

2. Establish A Budget:

If you want to hire a company that makes corporate videos to make your video, this is an important step to take. The duration, execution, output, and editing quality will be determined by your budget.

However, Terminating a video in an unprofessional manner is always preferable to hiring a corporate film production agency.

3. Prepare A Video Script Outline:

The foundation for carrying your video's vision through the subsequent steps is a video script. Therefore, ensure that your script covers all of your desired topics.

4. Include A Call To Action And Greeting:

When creating a corporate video, it's critical to strike a balance between being overly promotional and being too subtle. In order to avoid missing out on crucial conversions, include the appropriate call to action, such as visiting your website, clicking a link, or making a purchase, as you close out the content for the script.

5. Within Eight Seconds, Get To The Point:

Every second, your prospect's attention is fleeting. Therefore, make every second count and respond to your prospect's message within eight seconds to keep them interested in your product or service.

6. Storyboard and Shot List:

Storyboarding and shot list add depth to your corporate video's vision. Particularly when corporate film makers join. During the video's production, the videographer is guided by a comprehensive shot list that specifies the actors, props, and products that will be featured in the video.

7. Make A Schedule For The Shoot:

Dates, days, and an agenda for the shoot are all included in a shoot schedule. A corporate video production company can use this to ensure that the video is executed in a methodical manner.

We are a Dubai’s-based agency that makes corporate videos, so if you need help making a corporate film, we can help.

An orange recording is a main top video creation organization situated in Dubai offering posh Business, corporate and explainer Recordings. We have a group of expert which utilizes most recent computerized innovations that helps you make sense of and advance your business, administrations, thought, or item.

Monday, February 13, 2023


An animation college can teach you a lot of things. At the St. Clair College Campus in Windsor, Ontario, you can study Tradigital Animation. Three years are needed for the program. The college of Animation's majority of courses require open enrollment.

In addition to submitting your complete Application, you will also need to complete and submit an Artist Test. You will be required to submit two drawings of your own hand from specified angles, as well as a drawing of a specified character in up to four distinct states of emotion. Additionally, you will be required to include original works of art demonstrating your skills. The curriculum is structured in such a way that graduates will be able to animate and bring any piece of art to life in digital and traditional media. You will learn how to design and animate characters and environments for both traditional and 3D projects that are used in television, video games, and even films at the college.

You will also learn how to become proficient in digital image manipulation, digital video animation, file management, and composting in an animation program at a college. Students in college work individually and collectively to create demo reels that will be included in their professional portfolios and will significantly aid in skill development. Students who enjoy animated art and are enthusiastic about drawing will enjoy the program. In this line of work, creativity and imagination are of the utmost importance. In addition, you must be able to solve problems and maintain discipline to meet deadlines.

Highlights of the Program:

The program requires us to become familiar with the most recent industry standard software. Additionally, it places a significant emphasis on the application of conventional methods to the improvement of digital art. a major film festival that hosts annual screenings of graduate-made films. They also have a student-run animation club that is very active.

There are practically endless employment opportunities for graduates. They include making animations in two dimensions and three dimensions. Constructing models, textures, and a number of other extremely important assets that are utilized in the production of films, televisions, video games, and even better websites.

The acquired skills can also be applied to character design, storyboarding, or becoming an artist for concepts. The program starts by giving you a solid foundation. This includes an introduction to life drawing, film theory, and the fundamentals of the History of Animations. As you advance, the skills you learn continue to improve.

*      If I want to work in the animation industry in UAE, which software should I learn to use?

Animation Industry In UAE:

Many people ask this question frequently. I'm curious as to why people believe that animation training is limited to software instruction. Software only plays a limited role in animation, as would be evident from its history. In 1944, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs became the first full-length animated film. Americans had won 17 Oscars for their animated films prior to UAE's independence in 1947. In the 1960s, computers were only used in business. Then, how were animated films made?

Pre-production, production, and post-production are just a few of the many stages that make up an animation film's production. Story development, story boarding (drawing a rough picture of each scene), voice recording, layout creation, rigging, and environmental modeling are all part of the pre-production stage. Making the background, sketching, inking, painting the animation, and scanning the background and cells onto film are all part of production. Film development, editing (or cutting), sound and special effects addition, and voice track are all part of post-production. The majority of the time, the most extensive use of a computer occurs in post-production. Before that, one must acquire abilities like drawing, story development, etc. Software is merely a device. Just as drawing is a skill, it doesn't matter if you draw with a pencil or a digital pen on your computer. And when more advanced software becomes available, you won't be able to survive if you only know how to use a digital pen and can't draw.

UAE With Animation Training:

This is what is taking place in UAE with animation training. A lot of schools offer diplomas that last six months or one year. The curriculum includes instruction in character modeling, environment design, such as how to model a sofa, and the use of 3D Max, Flash, Maya, and Adobe Photoshop. Additionally, despite spending lakhs of rupees, animation students are unable to obtain employment. They do not last very long in the industry even if they find work. This may come as a surprise because animation schools often report on a growing market with a rising need for workers. Where are the jobs then?

From 1997 to 2006, when many US production companies outsourced post-production work to UAE, UAE saw a boom in animation. During that time, UAE saw original films like Hanuman, which Sahara One Motion Pictures released in October 2005. The need for staff led to the proliferation of these institutions. However, when new software enters the market, students from these institutes cannot deliver because they are familiar with limited software. Additionally, numerous production houses create their own animation software. As a result, institute-provided training becomes obsolete. Numerous animation production facilities were unable to continue because UAE animators lacked these skills.

At that point, I decided to attend a foreign school to find out what makes their curriculum unique. A course in 3d video animation that lasts four years is offered at Pigpen Institute. Students do not receive computers for the first two years. Software education only takes three months. Skills like acting, dancing, sketching, clay modeling, and understanding the physical anatomy of living things are the primary goals. An animator would be able to make movies, video games, and a lot more once they have all these skills.

UAE Is Full Of Talented People:

However, if we want to produce animators who are more than just computer operators, the appropriate training is necessary to prepare these individuals. The provision of a comprehensive animation curriculum is the responsibility of educational establishments.

The Evolution of Website Design in the UAE: A Digital Revival

  Website design is a captivating realm where creativity meets functionality. In the digital age, a website is more than just a virtual addr...