Showing posts with label best video animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best video animation. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2023


Animated explainer videos have exploded in popularity due to their low cost and high effectiveness in building a business. Their primary objective is to inform customers about the company and expand the brand's reach beyond the intended market. Because it tells a story and easily relates to the audience, a video always has a greater impact than a text. Businesses trying to promote their products or services online are increasingly turning to explainer videos to do so.

Animated explainer videos: what are they?

Animated explainer videos, as the name suggests, are collections of audio and visual illustrations that can be used to show a problem and its solution, show the flow of a process, or help customers understand complex data. They can also be used to walk through a website or mobile application in a systematic way, showing all the services and uses of the application. They may include animated characters, illustrated graphics, numbers, text, statistics, or screen recordings with embedded animations and sound effects, depending on the requirements.

The following are the five categories of animated explainer videos:

1.Character-animated videos: These videos are made from the customer's perspective and feature animated characters. Using these animated characters, a story is told about the problem and how your solution can solve it. Customers are able to easily connect with live characters.

2.Videos without characters: that are animated make good videos for showing how a process works because they use illustrated graphics.

3.Videos for websites and web apps: typically make use of screen recordings and provide a methodical, step-by-step walkthrough of your website or web app. The best way to explain your products and services to customers before they sign up is through these videos.

4.Videos for mobile apps—most of these videos are made with screen recordings and walk through your mobile app step by step. The best way to show customers what your application does before they want to register and buy it is through these videos.

5.Video-Graphics: These videos are usually informative and are made with numbers, text, and statistics. Sometimes they also have sound effects and animation embedded in them. They are used to help customers visualize complex data so they can understand it.

The main benefits of using animated explainer videos include, first and foremost, their effectiveness as marketing strategies. Second, they boost a company's sales by making it more well-known in the marketplace. Supporting a product with a video is more likely to catch people's attention than supporting a product without one. Lastly, explainer videos with a lot of views rank higher in Google searches, attracting customers who want to quickly understand and purchase a particular product. They may be able to instantly connect with the intended audience.


Animated explainer videos are a great way to convey your message in a way that is easy to understand. However, the real challenge lies in ensuring that your Explainer Video is of the highest possible quality.

The following are four helpful hints that could help you avoid receiving a low-quality animated explainer video.

1. Before beginning the animation process, make sure your script is finished. During the video production process, animation is done based on the script. Changing the script after the animation is finished and the final video is made would only lower the quality of the video. This is due to the fact that, as a result, animation would also need to be altered, necessitating the creation of the component from scratch. The altered portion may then appear patchy and disrupt the video's flow, lowering its overall quality. As a result, finishing the script before sending it to animation is critical.

2. It is recommended that even the tiniest of details, such as color specifications, logo details (where and when to place them in the video), etc., be specified right from the beginning. Are provided at the start of the manufacturing process. Since the new requirements may not fit as well and may actually reduce the video's visual appeal, any redoing or revision is strictly against the rules.

3. Compared to Dummy Voiceovers, Explainer Videos Are Built on Voiceovers. The voiceover and animation must perfectly sync in order for a video to look professional! During the process of making a video, animation may be done first using a dummy voiceover before the final voiceover takes its place. This is a bad idea! The final voiceover may differ from the dummy voiceover in some ways, such as the speed of the narration, the emphasis placed on particular words, the placement of pauses, etc. The video quality suffers as a result of this because there is a mismatch between the animation and the voiceover. Viewers may become perplexed and enraged by the poor quality of even a minutely desynchronized video. Therefore, rather than animating the video using a dummy voiceover, it is preferable to use the final voiceover.

4. Step-by-step finish the video production process typically consists of the following steps in the following order:

• Research • Scripting • Making Storyboards • Recording Voiceovers • Animating • Delivery

Because the video is built step by step using the results of the previous step, it should be avoided to go back to a previous step during the production process. Changing any of these elements frequently disrupts the message's flow and leaves it ambiguous due to the importance of perfect sync between the script (voiceover) and animation.

These safety precautions might make it easier to get rid of undesirable elements that might turn off your viewers. If you follow these steps, you can create a stunning animated Explainer Video to promote your brand.

Monday, February 13, 2023


An animation college can teach you a lot of things. At the St. Clair College Campus in Windsor, Ontario, you can study Tradigital Animation. Three years are needed for the program. The college of Animation's majority of courses require open enrollment.

In addition to submitting your complete Application, you will also need to complete and submit an Artist Test. You will be required to submit two drawings of your own hand from specified angles, as well as a drawing of a specified character in up to four distinct states of emotion. Additionally, you will be required to include original works of art demonstrating your skills. The curriculum is structured in such a way that graduates will be able to animate and bring any piece of art to life in digital and traditional media. You will learn how to design and animate characters and environments for both traditional and 3D projects that are used in television, video games, and even films at the college.

You will also learn how to become proficient in digital image manipulation, digital video animation, file management, and composting in an animation program at a college. Students in college work individually and collectively to create demo reels that will be included in their professional portfolios and will significantly aid in skill development. Students who enjoy animated art and are enthusiastic about drawing will enjoy the program. In this line of work, creativity and imagination are of the utmost importance. In addition, you must be able to solve problems and maintain discipline to meet deadlines.

Highlights of the Program:

The program requires us to become familiar with the most recent industry standard software. Additionally, it places a significant emphasis on the application of conventional methods to the improvement of digital art. a major film festival that hosts annual screenings of graduate-made films. They also have a student-run animation club that is very active.

There are practically endless employment opportunities for graduates. They include making animations in two dimensions and three dimensions. Constructing models, textures, and a number of other extremely important assets that are utilized in the production of films, televisions, video games, and even better websites.

The acquired skills can also be applied to character design, storyboarding, or becoming an artist for concepts. The program starts by giving you a solid foundation. This includes an introduction to life drawing, film theory, and the fundamentals of the History of Animations. As you advance, the skills you learn continue to improve.

*      If I want to work in the animation industry in UAE, which software should I learn to use?

Animation Industry In UAE:

Many people ask this question frequently. I'm curious as to why people believe that animation training is limited to software instruction. Software only plays a limited role in animation, as would be evident from its history. In 1944, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs became the first full-length animated film. Americans had won 17 Oscars for their animated films prior to UAE's independence in 1947. In the 1960s, computers were only used in business. Then, how were animated films made?

Pre-production, production, and post-production are just a few of the many stages that make up an animation film's production. Story development, story boarding (drawing a rough picture of each scene), voice recording, layout creation, rigging, and environmental modeling are all part of the pre-production stage. Making the background, sketching, inking, painting the animation, and scanning the background and cells onto film are all part of production. Film development, editing (or cutting), sound and special effects addition, and voice track are all part of post-production. The majority of the time, the most extensive use of a computer occurs in post-production. Before that, one must acquire abilities like drawing, story development, etc. Software is merely a device. Just as drawing is a skill, it doesn't matter if you draw with a pencil or a digital pen on your computer. And when more advanced software becomes available, you won't be able to survive if you only know how to use a digital pen and can't draw.

UAE With Animation Training:

This is what is taking place in UAE with animation training. A lot of schools offer diplomas that last six months or one year. The curriculum includes instruction in character modeling, environment design, such as how to model a sofa, and the use of 3D Max, Flash, Maya, and Adobe Photoshop. Additionally, despite spending lakhs of rupees, animation students are unable to obtain employment. They do not last very long in the industry even if they find work. This may come as a surprise because animation schools often report on a growing market with a rising need for workers. Where are the jobs then?

From 1997 to 2006, when many US production companies outsourced post-production work to UAE, UAE saw a boom in animation. During that time, UAE saw original films like Hanuman, which Sahara One Motion Pictures released in October 2005. The need for staff led to the proliferation of these institutions. However, when new software enters the market, students from these institutes cannot deliver because they are familiar with limited software. Additionally, numerous production houses create their own animation software. As a result, institute-provided training becomes obsolete. Numerous animation production facilities were unable to continue because UAE animators lacked these skills.

At that point, I decided to attend a foreign school to find out what makes their curriculum unique. A course in 3d video animation that lasts four years is offered at Pigpen Institute. Students do not receive computers for the first two years. Software education only takes three months. Skills like acting, dancing, sketching, clay modeling, and understanding the physical anatomy of living things are the primary goals. An animator would be able to make movies, video games, and a lot more once they have all these skills.

UAE Is Full Of Talented People:

However, if we want to produce animators who are more than just computer operators, the appropriate training is necessary to prepare these individuals. The provision of a comprehensive animation curriculum is the responsibility of educational establishments.

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